Wednesday, 9 November 2011

A busy afternoon

After we got back from the park Rodders managed to get himself four steps up the stairs and then whined as he didn't know how to get down. I made him come down by himself a step at a time and he was fine - don't think I want him trying it from the top just yet though.

He was a bundle of energy and was running in and out of the garden and the conservatory playing with his toys, chewing sticks, moving stones and having fun. There was a little chewing the carpet but he stopped with a firm no and was diverted on to toys

Just as he was about to flop Skevi, our lady that does, arrived. He barked at her so I picked him up and walked towards her, he had a sniff and then she gave him a fuss before I put him down. He was OK with her after that but did give a playful bark at the mop and the swiffer. She was amazed to see how much he had grown and that he will now sit on command (most of the time!).

I had a chat with my bestest pal in America, she saw the Dr yesterday and can now walk on her poorly foot (after four weeks no weight bearing) and is so pleased. She starts physio on Friday and needs to take it slowly, but she is getting there. She has two trips planned for today so she did get nagged and told not to over do things.

I chased up two jobs I am after. One the HR Manager is in Geneva until Friday, but has my cv, so they don't expect to hear anything until next week. The other one they haven't heard from and the guy only got back in to the country on Monday so they will chase him and get back to me (me thinks this is a no!).

I also called the Dr as I am nearly out of HRT. Can't get an appointment for this week unless I ring at 8am on the day - must remember tomorrow and/or Friday.

Think that is enough for one afternoon!

Dinner is on, Rodders has eaten most of his tea and has collapsed at my feet.

Oh, and while I was talking to OH on the phone Rodders stood in front of me and piddled on the floor earning himself a time out in the garden while I cleared up and sprayed it with stain and odour removal. He just stood at the door and barked. He didn't get let in again until he was quiet.

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