Friday 4 November 2011

Trying times

I try really hard not to say no to Rodders as it just doesn't work and he seems to get wound up by it.

This afternoon he has tried to chew both rolled up rugs and has been told not to, he has been diverted away from them with a toy or a game of tug with me, he has been physically removed and put elsewhere.

When he wasn't chewing the rugs he was trying the curtains or jumping at the radiator to try and get the washing and barking at them when he couldn't reach.

I picked him up and let him look out the window and he just barked at people going by.

We have been up the stairs to the bathroom again and he just kept jumping up at me and biting if I tried to stop him.

And then I ran out of patience and used the no word.

And what does Rodders do? He goes and craps on the floor without even asking to go out :-(

As I spotted him I shouted Garden Now and he ran, knowing that he had dong wrong. I cleared up while he was out there and have sprayed liberally with stain & odour removal that needs wiping up.

We came in to the kitchen with some toys and a snuggle fleece and I shut the baby gate to contain him. Within 15 minutes he had curled up and gone to sleep.

When he is good he is very, very good. when he is bad he tries my patience to the limit.

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